Kailani Reverb – Gold Series | Manual

This article is the official Kailani Reverb manual, it will always be updated with instructions for the latest firmware version.

Getting Started with the Kailani Reverb


Note: Power supply sold separately.

The Kailani Reverb requires a 9 volt DC isolated power supply, center negative, 2.1 x 5.5mm pipe connector (same as standard Boss connectors), which can supply 300 mA (milliamps) of current. The Kailani must be connected to a separate power supply or connected to an isolated power connection of a multi-output power supply. Connect the power supply to the 9VDC connector on the rear panel of the pedal.

When you first connect the pedal to a power source it may not start, this is due to internal MCU protection against power fluctuations. If this happens, simply turn the power off and on again. Note: We are working on an update so that the pedal will reset itself if this happens.

Important Power Notes:

The Kailani Reverb requires 300 mA of current. Make sure your power supply can supply at least 300mA to the pedal for proper operation and performance.

An isolated source provides power and ground that is electrically separate, usually through a transformer for each connector. Some low-cost power supplies may have separate connectors, but they may not provide true ground and power isolation, causing noise and ground loop noise.

If your power supply has multiple outputs, make sure each output provides true isolation or that you connect the pedal to its own power supply.
It is okay to connect a power supply that can provide more than 300 mA. The pedal only draws the current it needs and will not be damaged if the supply is 9VDC.

If the power supply is not isolated, you may hear additional buzzing in the pedal signals. If the source cannot supply 300 mA of current, the pedal may not function properly, even if the LEDs and switches appear to be working.

Kailani Reverb Connections

All VTR Effects pedals’ audio connections accept 1/4″ (6.35 mm or known as P10) TS (Tip-Sleeve) instrument cables. Although TRS (Tip-Ring-Sleeve) cables can be used, they offer no benefit over TS cables.

Mono and Stereo Connections

To use the Kailani in Mono mode, simply connect the previous instrument or pedal to the Input-L (indicated in the overview section) and the next amplifier, interface or pedal to the Output-L. When only the Input-L is connected, the same signal will be applied to the Input-R, thus transforming your signal into stereo from the Kailani Reverb.

Pedal operating levels

Kailani is designed with enough space to easily accommodate instrument levels. Pedals are designed for instrument levels, so you may need to reduce the output level of the previous equipment you are connecting to the pedal to avoid clipping the DSP.

Maximum Input Level: 2.73 dBu = 1.06 V RMS = 3.0 V p-p

Maximum Output Level: 2.73 dBu = 1.06 V RMS = 3.0 V p-p

Porta USB-Micro B

The USB port on your Kailani is for firmware updates. USB MIDI and the preset transfer system will soon be implemented via the USB port.

MIDI Input and Output

The new MIDI system in the Gold Series line is compatible with the universal standard established by the MIDI protocol, now using optocouplers. The MIDI connection is made via P2 connectors located on the back of the pedal. If your controller does not have a P2 output, you will need to make a cable to convert the DIN 5 Pin connection to P2, following the polarity shown below.

MIDI DIN 5 Pin 5 = P2 Ring.

MIDI DIN 5 Pin 4 = P2 Tip.

The MIDI Out connector must respect the same polarity.

Kailani Reverb Controls

The following controls are available in Kailani.


The Sky Knob has a specific function in each reverb mode, you will see on the display the function that the knob will be performing in the selected reverb mode.


The Decay Knob controls the decay time of the reverb.


The Knob Sea has a specific function in each reverb mode, you will check on the display the function that the knob will be performing in the selected reverb mode.


Knob Mode is a rotary encoder, that is, it has infinite rotation and can also be clicked. It is through this that you will change algorithms, access the parameter menu, global menu, name presets, etc.


The Mix Knob will control the volume of the reverb effect, without influencing the pedal’s dry signal. The adjustment will attenuate the signal in the range of 0dB to -30dB.

Bypass Led

This LED indicates whether the pedal is activated or not.

Bypass Switch

Using the Bypass FootSwitch, you can activate/deactivate the effect and control the ramp feature.

Preset Led

This LED indicates 3 states of the preset system:

Blue: Preset how it was saved.

Pink: Preset has undergone modification that has not been saved yet.

Red: No presets are saved in that slot.

Off: No presets recalled, the pedal is in live mode.

Preset Switch

Through the Preset FootSwitch it is possible to navigate between the pedal’s preset system, in the preset section it is better explained how to use it.

Menu Global

In the global menu you will find various pedal settings, some of these settings are interpreted globally by the pedal, while others are associated with presets.

Bypass Mode

In bypass mode, you can choose between two options: true bypass and tails bypass. In true bypass mode, signal routing is done through relays. When the effect is turned off, the signal tail is cut off immediately. In tails bypass mode, routing is done through a buffer. When the effect is deactivated, the signal continues to pass through the buffer, and the circuit prevents it from reaching the DSP, but keeps the DSP output active in the signal flow. Thus, the tail of the effect can still be heard even after the effect is turned off.

MIDI Channel

Kailani accepts MIDI messages on all 16 channels. Here you can configure the channel you want it to respond to in the MIDI signal chain. When configuring MIDI, exit the global menu when testing communication on the selected channel, as the pedal does not respond to MIDI commands when in the global menu.

Kill Dry

By activating the Kill Dry feature, you will be eliminating 100% of the Dry signal in the signal flow. In the global menu, you can find the separate option to use the feature for the left and right channel.”

Presets Queue

Kailani can save 99 presets, but we know that it is not practical to navigate between 99 presets with just one preset footswitch. That’s why we created the preset queue. With queue, you can fill 10 preset positions with any of the pedal’s 99 presets, and you can even repeat presets in the queue. Soon, we will bring the ability to expand or shrink the queue, as well as the possibility of having several queues saved on the pedal.

Presets Value

Here, you will see all parameters saved within a preset. However, to access this function, you must select the desired preset. Otherwise, the pedal will return the ‘empty’ message.

Presets Fade Audio

This function aims to create a smooth transition effect between presets, providing a mix fade between the output of the current preset and the input of the new preset.

Fade Time Out: In this configuration, you can define the time required for the pedal to perform the Fade Out, ranging from 300ms to 2s. If you choose to disable this option, simply leave it on “disable”.

Fade Time In: Here you can define the time required for the pedal to Fade In, ranging from 300ms to 2s. If you prefer to disable this option, simply leave it on “disable”.

This function is saved globally in the pedal, meaning it will be applied to all transitions between presets.


Kailani has a ramp feature to simulate an expression pedal. You can apply this function to the Sky, Decay and Sea knobs. It is also possible to adjust the ramp increment speed, ranging from 50ms to 250ms.

Firmware Update

Attention: The update method below no longer exists as of version 1.0.9, now updates are only via app.vtreffects.com.br

To update your Kailani’s firmware, follow the guidelines below:

  1. Connect 9V power to the pedal.
  2. Connect the USB cable between the pedal and the computer.
  3. Access the firmware update section within the global menu and click on “update”.
  4. A kind of pendrive will open containing a file with the name of the pedal. Drag the bin file available for updating the latest firmware onto this pendrive.
  5. After following these steps, the pedal will restart itself and the new firmware will be loaded.

The bin file for updating can be found on the help page of our website.

Update Notes: When connecting the USB between the pedal and the computer, you should hear a sound. If you don’t hear it, the connection was unsuccessful and this may be due to the USB cable. Try using another cable and, if the problem persists, contact our support.

Clear Presets

This function will erase all pedal presets, be very careful when using it as this function is irreversible.


This function is essential and needs to be done right after updating the pedal, as it will calibrate the reading of the knobs on the Kailani processor. Below are instructions on how to use this function.

1. Turn all knobs to the left. Note that when you do this the preset LED will light green.
2. Click the Mode Knob to advance. If the knobs are not all to the left, the display will indicate an error, and the process must be redone.
3. Turn all knobs to the right. Note that when you do this the preset LED will light green.
4. Click on the Mode Knob and the calibration is complete.

When entering the calibration menu, the process must be done correctly, otherwise the pedal may not work correctly and the procedure will need to be carried out again.

Understanding the Ramp

The ramp is a feature to simulate an expression pedal, on one of the 3 kailani knobs, Sky, Decay and Sea. It is not possible to add this feature to other parameters, as they are adjusted in the hardware differently than the 3 knobs mentioned. .

To activate the ramp, it’s very simple: just keep pressing the bypass footswitch when the effect is activated (indicated by the bypass LED). When the ramp starts, it resets the parameter value and increases from 10% to 10%. When releasing the footswitch, the pedal will return to the value the parameter was at before the ramp was activated, but will decrease smoothly.

Understanding the Presets

With the ability to save 99 presets, Kailani Reverb will make your play much easier, after all, there will be no shortage of space to save your favorite reverb tones. Now let’s understand how presets work in practice in Kailani, how to save them and how to access them.

Preset Queue

The preset queue consists of a list of 10 positions that can be configured by the user in the pedal’s global menu. Once configured, the queue allows the user to easily access specific presets, either moving forward or backward through the list.

When you start the pedal, it is set to “live” mode, which is position 0 in the queue. When executing the command to advance in the preset list, the pedal moves to position 1 in the queue, allowing the user to access the next configured preset. On the other hand, if the user executes the command to go back through the preset list, the pedal will return to the last position in the queue, allowing the user to access the previous preset.

It is important to highlight that, when the pedal is in position 10 of the queue and the user executes the command to advance, the pedal automatically returns to “live” mode in position 0 of the queue, creating a circular queue. This means that after accessing the last preset configured at position 10, the user can easily return to “live” mode without needing to go back through the preset queue.

Queue Limiter

This feature was introduced in the V1.0.4 update, with it you can define how many presets in the queue your pedal will access. It is possible to define a minimum of 2 presets and a maximum of 10 presets.

Saving the Presets

To save a preset in Kailani you need to press and hold the preset footswitch for approximately 2 seconds. After this period, the pedal will enter the preset save menu. The first step is to choose the location where the preset will be saved, which varies from 1 to 99 positions.

If the chosen position already contains a saved preset, the existing preset name will be retrieved to alert the user that the position is occupied. If the user wishes to proceed and save the new preset in the same position, the previous preset will be overwritten and cannot be recovered later.

It is important to remember that the saving process is irreversible, so you need to make sure that the desired preset is being saved in the correct position. If there is any doubt or hesitation, it is recommended to cancel the saving process to avoid losing important data.

After choosing the position where you want to save the preset, you can name it with up to 7 characters before finishing the saving process. Just enter the desired name using the mode knob and then click “save” to complete the operation.

It is important to highlight that all manipulation in the preset saving menu is carried out exclusively through the mode knob, ensuring a quick and intuitive saving process.

Navigating between presets

Navigation between presets is performed using the preset footswitch. By touching the footswitch once, the user advances to the next position in the preset queue. When touching the footswitch twice in a row, the user returns to the previous position in the preset queue. This footswitch navigation system is simple and intuitive, allowing you to quickly change between presets while playing a song or performance.

Some relevant information about navigation between presets should be highlighted:

When switching between presets, there may be a small delay of around 400ms. This delay is necessary for the microcontroller to understand whether a single press or a double press on the footswitch has occurred.

Another important issue to mention is that switching between presets will always reset the audio. This behavior cannot be modified in future pedal updates, as it is directly linked to the way the DSP works with the algorithms and parameter menu adjustments. Even if the presets share the same algorithm, the sound will reset and start again. It’s important to be aware of this behavior to ensure a smooth transition between presets while playing a song or performance.


With a MIDI controller you can get even more out of your Kailani Reverb, sending messages like #PC and #CC, check below which messages you should send to the pedal.

Accessing Presets via #PC

To access a Preset via MIDI, you must send a #PC (Program Change) message on the channel the pedal is configured on, with the number of the Preset you want to access.

#PC value 1 to access Preset 1;
#PC value 99 to access Preset 99;

Controlling Parameters via #CC

To control a parameter via MIDI, you must send a #CC (Continuous Controller) message on the channel the pedal is configured on, following the table below. One detail to highlight is that in the current version of the firmware, when commanding a knob parameter, the display will not update the parameter bar with the value received via MIDI, this is a function that has yet to be implemented.

We are working on more MIDI implementations for upcoming updates, if you have any suggestions, we are open to hearing them.

Technical specifications

  • Electrostatic painting in blue.
  • Measurements: 12 cm x 8 cm x 6.2 cm (height includes knobs).
  • Weight: 500 grams.
  • Superior finishing through UV (Ultra Violet) printing.
  • True-bypass via relay.
  • DSP processor 24-bit 32KHz A/D & D/A converters.
  • ARM 32Bits processor at 240Mhz.
  • Input Impedance: 500KΩ.
  • Output Impedance: 200Ω.
  • Fully analogue dry signal.
  • Fully digital wet signal with 20Hz-15KHz response
  • Working voltage: 9V
  • DC (BOSS Polarity).
    Consumption: 300mA.
  • Industrial quality PCB.


V1.0.1 – This update deletes presets already saved in the pedal, make a note of your presets before updating.

  • Preset deletion function included.
  • Included the potentiometer reading calibration function by the ARM MCU.
  • Bug fix related to Ramp.

V1.0.2 – If you have not updated to version 1.0.1, this update will delete your already saved presets. If this is your case, you can update directly to this update, without needing to update to 1.0.1 first.

  • New algorithm: Ephemeral.
  • Preset Fade Audio function.
  • General bug fixes.


  • New algorithm: Expand.
  • Function to reduce preset queue inserted.


  • New algorithm: Divided.


  • USB functions inserted (presets transfer system coming soon).

V1.0.7 – Version not officially released.


  • Communication with app.vtreffects.com.br completed, transfer and update of presets available through the app.


  • New algorithms: Infinity and Mod.
  • Firmware update function removed, from this update onwards all future updates will only be via the app.
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